Al's Pin Collection

Here are some of my pins and medallions:  

   Fred Usher Pins
Fred Usher Pins
pins2 pins3
Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Medallions
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Fred Usher Pins - Pins from the late Canadian Archery Icon Fred Usher, presented to Al by his Widow, Doris

Board 1 - Pins collected over the years and various award medals both National, International, local and Provincial.

Board 2 - Pins from every Canadian Championship (both 3D & Target) and other pins that are in a series (plus the overflow from Board 1)

Board 3 - Pins mostly from my work at the Curling Venue of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, but it's more and more filling with more overflow!

Medallions - Commemorative Medallions from Olympic/Pan Am and World Archery Championships